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Home Improvement Services

Thank you for taking the time to consider using our home improvement services here at Brooks Siding Windows Doors! If you’re in the process of looking for new windows, doors, siding, or a brand-new patio deck, and you want nothing but the best, then you’re in the right place. since 1960, our professional licensed contractors have been providing high-quality installations throughout Salem, NH, and all surrounding areas, and we’ve received nothing short of overwhelming reviews!

When you choose Brooks, you get nothing but top-tier quality work: We don’t cut corners, and we make sure you fully understand what we’ll be doing for you. All our offerings are truly full service: From your initial (no pressure!) estimate to speaking to one of our designers for more information to the installation and cleanup, we’ll be there every step of the way and make it as hassle-free as possible. Who knew that getting an upgrade to your home could be this stress-free?

Home Improvement Service in Salem, NH

Full-Service Installations & Competitive Rates

All our services are available throughout Salem, NH, as well as Windham, Pelham, Derry, and Manchester. To learn more about our services, just call us today. We provide free estimates—no pressure whatsoever! We look forward to hearing from you. Call 603-894-4488 today for more information!

Request You Free Estimate Today!